domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014


66) 2011. Inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, toxicological and chemical profile of Calophyllum brasi-liense extracts from Chiapas, México. García-Zebadua J.C., Magos-Guerrero G.A., Mumbrú-Massip M., Estrada-Muñiz E., Contreras-Barrios M.Á., Huerta-Reyes M., Campos-Lara M., Jiménez-Estrada M. and Reyes-Chilpa R.* Fitoterapia 82:1027-1034.

65) 2011. Leaf Structure of Two Chemotypes of Calophyllum brasiliense from Mexico. Zavaleta-Mancera H.*; Reyes-Chilpa R.;García-Zebadua J.C. Microscopy and Microanalysis 17, S2: 340-341.

64) 2011. Essential Oils in Mexican Bays (Litsea spp., Lauraceae): Taxonomic Assortment and Ethnobotanical Implications. N.C. Jiménez-Pérez, F.G. Lorea-Hernández, C.K. Jankowski, and R. Reyes-Chilpa.* Economic Botany 65(2): 178–189.

63) 2011. Acetylcholinesterase Inhibiting Alkaloids from Zephyranthes concolor. R. Reyes-Chilpa*, S. Berkov, S. Hernández-Ortega, C.K. Jankowski, S. Arseneau, I. Clotet-Codina, J.A. Esté, C. Codina, F. Viladomat, and J. Bastida. Molecules 16:9520-9533.

62) 2011. Antidepressant effect and pharmacological evaluation of standardized extract of flavonoids from Byrsonima crassifolia.2011. M. Herrera-Ruiz, A. Zamilpa, M. González-Cortazar, R. Reyes-Chilpa, E. León, M.P. García, J. Tortoriello, M. Huerta-Reyes*. Phytomedicine 18:1255-1261.

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